Friday 25 March 2016

My Accutane Experience

After 5 months I have finished accutane. You can read my previous post here if you're interested. I want to start by saying that I know accutane is a very serious drug but it was my decision to take the treatment and it's not been a regret. I was very uncertain about starting accutane, I've suffered with acne for many years and if you're reading this and you suffer from acne then you'll know how physically and mentally draining it is. I had no other option but accutane.

I was on Accutane for 5 months, my side effects were

  • Dry skin 
  • Dry lips
  • Dry nose
  • Tiredness
  • Occasional headaches
  • Muscle pain/ache 
My side effects were bearable and manageable, I only noticed muscle pain and ache nearing the end of my treatment. The worst of my side effects have been dry lips and nose. The side effects can be scary but in my case they were not bad at all. I had a initial break out which is normal of accutane, and I was breaking out 2 and early third month into my treatment. Accutane makes your skin very sensitive and red which for a long time made me feel uncomfortable as it made my skin look a lot worse but that's normal also. 

Throughout my 5 months, it was up and downs. I noticed major changes in my skin month 3 and 4 and I can confidently say I can't remember the last time I had a spot and it's exam season for me so that is amazing. 

I'm very nervous about my journey now. My journey on Accutane is hopefully over forever. I have been on acne medication for 3 years and to be without it now, I'm shitting myself. I hope this is my time, I deserve to be happy. I deserve to look at myself without crying and accutane has helped me get there.

Please keep going if you're suffering with acne. Those who have suffered with acne will know the feeling and thought process we all go through. You will get there. I am not saying accutane is for everyone, you can choose your own course of treatment but whatever that it is I believe you'll get there no matter how hard. 

My skin now? I'm happy with for the most part. I still have some scarring that I hope to get sorted at dermatology but I can't go until 6 months time. For now, I'm just praying my acne will stay away. 

Leave any questions below and I'll answer if I can. 

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